5 Great Things About My Recent Break-Up & Newfound Freedom

Some moments are hard, but most are effing great.

Michelle Love
7 min readFeb 16, 2024

In honor of my first time being single on Valentine’s Day in 8 years, I’ve decided to focus on the positive things about being recently single. This one is for the people out there who are also single, to serve as a reminder. This article is also for anyone in a currently shitty relationship who needs the motivation to leave.

It’s also an article for me, to remind me why I left.

Photo by Olga: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-yellow-dress-standing-on-pink-petaled-flower-field-1146242/

1. I don’t have to deal with another human (caveman) in my space

I was talking to one of my best girlfriends yesterday morning, listening to her talk about the ups and downs of her relationship with her husband. They are in a great relationship, but regardless, they have their normal annoyances with each other. She told me their 4-year-old daughter is sick and tired of how gross dad is in the bathroom and said he has to use the bathroom downstairs! She even says “Ew Dad, clean up after yourself!”

We laughed so hard, and I rubbed in her face that I no longer have to deal with piss on the toilet seat, skid marks in the basin (if it’s even flushed), pubes and other various body hair, everywhere, and snot rag towels. I had the biggest grin on my face…



Michelle Love

My public journal about all the things I’ve been through & learned - with the hope that it benefits you. 🤍 Love is the answer