Member-only story
Shifting Negativity May Not Be Easy, But it is Simple.
I’ve been witnessing a lot of this lately in my partner, it’s just one thing after another. Not having enough money, his rental car not being nice enough, too many things to do, the traffic, forgetting his wallet, his tummy ache, his weight gain….the list goes on…
He even says things like… “it’s just one thing after another!”
We all get in these negativity ruts sometimes where it truly is one thing after another and it just doesn’t seem to ease up. I’ve been there. I still go there sometimes and I’m left thinking to myself, seriously?? Why me?? But then I remember the one simple fact — it’s all in my control. I’m pretty quick to snap out of the victim mentality, but it took many years of rewiring my brain to get here.
Not easy, but very simple.
Sure, it’s super cliche— but however you want to word it — “the law of attraction”, “the universe”, God, you are what you think about etc. the bones of it are the same — what you put out, what you think, how you act is what you attract.
Therefore, if you constantly think things are always going wrong for you, well — they will.
If you think life is tough? Well — it will be.
One of my favourite examples is traffic. I used to get really, really irritated by traffic. It drove me nuts sitting there unmoving. I would have rather driven longer as long as I was moving, instead of sitting still, inching forward, forever. I would curse…