Thank you for the response! I love a good push back and totally hear what you’re saying - however I’m still staying that whether someone has narcissist tendencies (tiktok diagnosed) or is a true narcissist, we can still have compassion and regain control as empaths. If we can learn to be self aware, and recognize the signs and diagnosis of a narcissist- and build up our strength to either deal with that person (when we can’t leave) or walk away when we can (and always should when the abuse is terrible and can’t be controlled with boundaries) then we will become empowered rather than victims. I have been a victim of emotional and physical abuse with multiple narcissists in my life - my mother, and then two partners. One definitely would be diagnosed, and it’s absolutely exhausting to continually set boundaries and remind myself, and I will eventually leave but the process of empowering myself and not blaming him and making myself the victim is the only way I’ve been able to regain the confidence and strength to see the light. To see things clearly. This article is meant to empower people to understand that even the worst most damaging abusive people out there only have the power if you let them have it - it’s what feeds them. Build yourself up, and get out if you can. Or you may find when you build yourself up they will match that energy and learn to respect you. I do not think everyone with a mental diagnoses a lost cause and should be filed away as a permanent problem.
Hope that makes sense!