Thank you for the response & feedback - but especially for your courage in being open. I'm actually quitting early because I'm feeling those feelings of loss of control & addiction. There is no way I would do this project if I didn't have support & awareness beforehand! I KNEW I wouldn't spiral into addiction because I am so stubborn about not turning out like my mother or father (lifelong addicts). However - I have other addictions as I think most people who are predisposed to addiction, for me it's work - but it has come in other forms over the years - food, exercise etc... It's always a challenge, always a balance and I wish you the most luck in your sobriety. One thing I can say for sure is - you have to have a lot of compassion and love for yourself in this process! It's not easy, but it's SO worth it to be sober. Your brain & body will thank you. Get rid of anyone who doesn't support it. xo