Thank you for your response! In my opinion, everyone manipulates/gaslights sometimes - even if they dont know they are doing it and mean well. Even the most kind and empathetic people can arguably be manipulative with their partners at times. I dont think that should pin a label of a narcissist or an abusive person. This is why I said "here and there" not on a regular basis. The person being "abused" isnt being shamed or blamed - they are being empowered to make a choice to leave. I don't believe that being a "victim" helps the abused person at all. What helps them, is support to understand that its up to them, and they absolutely CAN rebuild enough confidence to set healthy boundaries and leave if they choose to - and not remain a victim. I hope this makes sense! This is about empowering the person being abused so they are NOT remaining a victim. They can separate themselves, respect themselves, and no longer put up with the "abuser" if they choose not to. Hope this makes sense!