Member-only story
What Better Time Than Now To Recreate Your Life?
I think I’m finally ready to fully quit my job in pursuit of something more fulfilling.
Lately, I’ve been daydreaming a lot about what I want the rest of my life to look like. Surely this pandemic is primarily causing all these thoughts — but I kinda love it…and I know I’m not alone. I’m actually really enjoying all the daydreaming and option seeking of what “could be”.
I’m asking myself lots of questions, such as…
If I lost everything, how would I restart?
Where would I move to, if I were to move anywhere in the world?
Why do I keep sabotaging my relationship? Am I bored? Scared?
How could I be happier than I am right now?
What lights me up?
The questions are endless, but I’ll stop there. You get the gist.
It’s interesting because most recently I’ve come to realize that I truly have hit the point with my current career that I really don't care if it’s over. I’ve been working in real estate for 10 years, I’ve built a very financially successful business and met really amazing people — however, I’ve always hated saying that I’m a real estate agent. I’ve never resonated with the idea of being a salesperson. Like, how is this positively impacting anyone? Truly. I’ve always cringed whenever I’ve said it.